Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and Food and Water Watch v. Iowa

Filing Date: 2019

Case Categories: States > Iowa

Principal Laws:

Public Trust Doctrine 

Clean Water Act 

Iowa Code  

Iowa Admin. Code  

Iowa Constitution

Description: Iowa Citizens filed suit against the State of Iowa for violating rights under the public trust doctrine to clean water in the Raccoon River. 

Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement and Food and Water Watch v. Iowa  

Docket number(s): 19-1644

Court/Admin Entity: Supreme Court of Iowa


01/03/2020 Amicus Brief Agricultural Legal Defense Fund filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Defendants-Appellants 
01/14/2020 Amicus Brief Agricultural associations filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Defendants-Appellants 
01/21/2020 Amicus Brief Law professors filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Plaintiffs-Appellees 
01/21/2020 Amicus Brief Gulf Organized Fisheries in Solidarity and Hope, Inc. & Mississippi Commercial Fisheries United, Inc. filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Plaintiffs-Appellees 
01/31/2020 Amicus Brief Water Works Trustees of the City of Des Moines, Iowa filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Plaintiffs-Appellees 
01/31/2020 Amicus Brief Iowa Farmers Union filed amicus curiae brief in favor of Plaintiffs-Appellees 
02/04/2020 Final Brief Defendants-Appellants appealed the district court’s denial of its motion to dismiss  
02/04/2020 Final Reply Brief Defendants-Appellants filed reply brief 


Food and Water watch v. EPA No 20-71554

Opinion 09.16.2021 Petition for Revie 06.04.2020 Pleading 01.13.2021 - Petitioner's Reply Brief Pleading 09.22.2020 - Petition for Review of Final Action of EPA (Petitioner's Motion for Leave) Pleading 09.22.2020 - Petition for Review of Final Action of EPA (Petitioner's Opening Brief) Pleading 09.22.2020 - Petition for Review of Final Action of EPA (Petitioner's Record Excerpts) Pleading 11.23.2020 - Respondent's Answering Brief