Minnesota Center for Regulatory Reasonableness vs. EPA

Filing Date: 2016

Case Categories: States > Minnesota

Principal Laws: Clean Water Act, Administrative Procedure Act

Description: Center for Regulatory Reasonableness, Inc. filed suit alleging that EPA’s approval and subsequent refusal to withdraw its approval of two response variables associated with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s new eutrophication criteria for rivers and streams were arbitrary, capricious, or not otherwise in accordance with the law. 

Minnesota Center for Regulatory Reasonableness vs. EPA

Docket number(s): 1:16-cv-01435 

Court/Admin Entity: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia 


07/12/2016 Complaint Plaintiffs filed suit seeking a mandamus, declaratory judgment, and injunctive relief against Defendant EPA
03/13/19  Reply Defendant EPA filed a reply brief in support of their cross motion for summary judgment
03/31/19  Opinion Court granted Defendant EPA’s motion for summary judgment and denied Plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment